Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Hawk Has Landed

When we moved the house, we titled it; "The Eagle Has Landed". So, now that the infamous 'shed' has been finally been moved through the mud onto it's permanent pad, we can title it; "The Hawk Has Landed".
Thank goodness, Dan Elder, Brian Reese, Gregg Jeter and the crew of Elder House Moving made good on their promise of moving it on Saturday. They tromped through lots of red mud to get it done.

Despite the concerns we had about how it would look and how it would 'fit' with the new positioning of The Duncan House, we are very pleased with how it turned out. I actually like the two doors being visible....makes it look less like an early 20th century garage (which it is) and more like a shed or outbuilding that might have been around since 1858 or so, like The Duncan House. The rusting corrugated tin on the roof also looks cool.

You also recall that the shed....having been a part of the Duncan House for so long....was designated a 'non contributing resource' and needed to be preserved.....this to avoid any possibility of losing that coveted "National Historic Landmark" status (the highest historical designation National Park Service awards).

Oh, and yes, the 6" oak limb that penetrated the roof and the loft of the shed is still in place! Hope it doesn't become a "Non Contributing Resource" like the shed!!

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